2021 Virtual Ministerial Summit

Our objective is to encourage each one of you and to offer some tools to help you thrive in these difficult days we are facing. There will be excellent presentations from amongst the best within the NAD, as well as powerful devotional presentations, stirring praise and worship and beautiful singing from within the Ministerial family.
This summit will give opportunities for sharing best practices, learning, connecting and networking across the Canadian Adventist Ministerial landscape.
The Summit will begin with a meeting for the spouses on Sunday morning, and then everyone will join the afternoon/evening meetings that will embark us all on a journey of reflection, discovery, networking, and learning.
We hope to maintain this space for ongoing professional growth.
SDACC Ministerial Team
Thank you for your Christian service in these tumultuous times. It is a blessing for all of us to be able to gather through the electronic possibilities of the internet. I pray that you will find strength and ideas throughout the days of these presentations.
Mark Johnson
SDACC President